Halley's Comment
Halley Suite on why bloggers will elect the next president:
Bush has created a country of HAVES and HAVE-NOTS, based on an arrogant media and elite of KNOW and KNOW-NOTS. They think they KNOW everything and we know nothing. Bloggers say, "Hey wait a minute, maybe we DO know something."
But wait, isn't she just describing a classic Shirky power law distribution? One man (or woman's) power law distro is another's elitism. It's all context, and the more I read the A-list yammer on and on re: itself and its importance, the less I like it. My reading tastes have changed lately, I find myself reading more progressive weblogs and fewer technical ones. If you're at all willing to elect someone based on their having a weblog, as far as I am concerned you're just another lobbying special-interest group.