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Righteous pork

From the comments to Is humane meat better for the environment? | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist:

"Humane" meat is just lipstick on a pig, a greenwash plan to sell more meat to guilty liberals.

Interesting and pretty accurate take on the situation. Don't worry, St Pollan will be along shortly to explain how eating meat is really the only moral choice.

The comments are also interesting in their immediate and contorted attempts to redeem "humane" meat. Kind of takes that whole 'epater le bourgeois' sheen off the whole "The MAN Can't Bust Our Pork!" fervor, don't it?

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Everybody giving up meat would be awesome because of the good it would do the environment and also because it would mean less animal suffering.

It's always a tricky proposition deciding whether a solution to half the problem is worse or better than a solution to the whole problem -- whether it's a step in the right direction or a false triumph which will prevent the real triumph, you know?

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