The TimesOnline gets read wrong
Scripting News: The TimesOnline quotes wrong:
They quote a top blogger (Scoble) saying "Microsoft sucks." The only problem is he didn't say that. Another accuracy-challenged "real" reporter.Ok, here's what he did say:
The words are empty. Microsoft’s Internet execution sucks (on whole). Its search sucks. Its advertising sucks (look at that last post again).Now let's look at the disputed "quote:"
‘Microsoft sucks’, says top bloggerThis is the headline to the story. First off, how often does the reporter write the story headline? Not often, if ever. Then read that passage above, taken from Scoble's blog, which is quoted in the Times article. Does he say 'Microsoft sucks?' No. Is it pretty close? Yes. Is it reasonable to infer that the headline is not a full quote, but a paraphrase, as is often the case in news headlines? Yes. For example, do we believe that Gerald Ford actually said, verbatim, "Drop dead" to NYC? No. Is this the narrow, agenda-ridden interpretation of someone with a chip on their shoulder? Definitely. Another connotation-challenged "top" blogger.
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