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Vox poopuli

Hey, I decide to stick with MT for this thing instead of moving to WP, and do I get a Vox invite for my troubles? Noooooooo. All them damn Kool Kidz is getting em. Perhaps I am just too old and cranky. On the other hand, I am not exactly prolific. moving to the seldom-seen third hand, I now hear that it's OK to not write all the time! Whoo! Man, do the same thing long enough and eventually everybody comes round to your side.

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I don't WANT a Vox invite... which is good since nobody's offered me one. *chuckle*

The impression I'm getting is that 6A wants to a) turn LJ into MySpace and b) convince older LJers to migrate to Vox. "Oh, you paid top dollar for that lifetime LJ account? Er... Vox is really neat, you'll like it, honest!"

I've already seen Vox described somewhere as "LiveJournal for grownups.." Some condescenion with your ageism?

hey dude, nice site, interesting read - any chance you succumed to the dark side and got yrself a VOX page?
if so, would you have any spare invites going?

Cheers man