Your favorite hammer sucks.
To us, here and now, it appears thus » CAIR Story 1. Honey, I lost my zeal!:
Welcome to the world of the working programmer, unless you're a Java zombie, in which case, welcome to the world. It's downright amusing to see the Campbell-like "Eternal Return" of this loss of innocence meme; what's even more interesting is the need in the geek community (or the remaining part of it for which O'Reilly hasn't barfed up a new "lifestyle" magazine/blog/conference/invitation-only binge weekend) for The One True Whatever. That would be those of you who still think Java works really well for text-processing one-offs. What's scary though, is the millenialist, triumphalist, dare I say fundamentalist, zeal people work up over this sort of thing.
Technorati Tags: programming, puppy, stupid, tech