Anger management
The Intensity Gap (
The left, and the moderates, and the centrists, HAVE been galvanized by the Bush administration:
The fervent opposition to President Bush is rational, and its intensity is a direct response to Bush's own efforts to discredit all opposition to his policies. Criticism of Bush comes not simply from the far left or from fans of Michael Moore movies, but also from political moderates, including Republicans, who see Bush's fiscal, social and foreign policies as decidedly immoderate. The passion comes from a conviction that the president would prefer to use the fear of terrorism and cast his opponent as a dangerous appeaser rather than risk the loss of power.
Amen. The salient quality of the Bush adminstration has been its unceasing unwillingness to listen to others and its extremist characterization of the mildest of dissent as akin to the worst treason. It is this pathological level of denial, this neurotic and utter refusal to acknowledge any error, this monochromatic view of the world, that makes it vitally necessary to retire these charlatans from power on November 2nd.