Shameless plug.
Yes, I've started one of those little snarky link farm things. Blosxom powered. Because I like writing things in emacs, damnit.
The feed.
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Yes, I've started one of those little snarky link farm things. Blosxom powered. Because I like writing things in emacs, damnit.
The feed.
Tried MT.el? I wasn't thrilled with it but I've heard some people like it.
Posted by: Gregg | February 11, 2004 7:18 PM
Actually I had tried it, and it was ok. What appealed to me about blosxom was its simplicity and how well it leverages the file system. I could write a post just by writing a text file in emacs. That was pretty appealing, since I was also planning on keeping this thing pretty simple.
Incidentally, I read your blog (via RSS) pretty regularly. Enjoy it quite a bit.
Posted by: jbm | February 11, 2004 8:37 PM