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Coming detractions

There are two things I am interested in writing about, both related in a way, now that I think about it:

1. anonymous blogging. There seems to be quite the backlash against anonymous blogging and commenting, and I'm not sure why. People seem to see it as somehow shirking the responsibility of free speech, but there's actually a long and deep tradition in America of anonymous speech being a healthy and important thing;

and 2. Man, are people down on Orkut or what? Holy molyosky. Just as someone finally invites me in, it becomes about as unhip as you can get. Story of my life, kids...at least I got a good new blog to read out of it.

More later, but I am kinda frantic with some stuff at work at the moment.


I think anonymity definitely has its undeniable merits.

Just now, as I was waiting for the elevator here in my building, I wrote the following on a memo that was hanging there:

"Roaches eat babies."

Some will read that and laugh, some will be offended. It was worth doing, and nobody knows I did it.