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You've got vile

Via Atrios, Cro-Magnon Mail. In which Margaret Cho's manager gets hate mail from the Freepers following the posting of a transcript of her Bush in 30 seconds bit by Drudge. Man. Talk about raw rage. It's really hateful, vitriolic stuff.


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» Out Of The Woodwork They Slither from Ed Heil's Weblog
Via snappy, via Atrios, this is how certain folks (mostly via freerepublic.com, which apparently is to right-wing pinheads* what Slashdot is to geeks) reacts when an Asian-American comedian does a set about George Bush. Don't even go there without a [Read More]


Ye gods. It sucks to have to claim common nationality with that sort of utter trash.

(Not Ms. Cho, mind you. The (bleep)s who sent those absurd missives.)