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Safari cookies

I use blog.s to keep track of blog updates (as well as the excellent NetNewsWire), and the only thing, aside from a lack of tabbed browsing, that was keeping me from using Safari as my main browser was that I couldn't get it to hold a login cookie from blo.gs. I kept getting a message that I was logged in, but I didn't have cookies enabled. This am I finally had a little time to look at it, and discovered that Safari was saving the cookie with a path of "/login.php", rather than the "/" path that Mozilla and other browsers used. Editing the cookie (using a tiny app called "Safari Cookie Cutter") solved the problem.

The cookie listing should be editable. I clicked on the path in the blo.gs cookie line expecting to see a rename rect appear, and was surprised when it didn't. I'll be clicking the bug button on this one.

I'm going to look round some more, but does anyone know where Safari actually keeps its cookies? My initial poking around turned up nothing. It's probably something really obvious.


i know it's been a year but i hope you got your answer: it's in the library folder -- cookies.plist.