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More of the same

That ol's sycophant Doc is also at Supernova (emphasis mine):

Kevin is introducing the Supernova conference. Decentralization is the theme. The energy in the room is fun, attentive... nice. So many people I really dig here. Can't begin to name them all (follow the link above). He's talking about What's Happening Now as something akin to a star exploding. It's that big a deal. Makes me think of a bomb going off in space; hence the subhead above. Anyway, rather than cover what speakers are saying (others will, I'm sure), I'll just gurge a few thoughts as they come along.

This is what "realtime blogging" has come to. Imagine if you opened the Times tomorrow and the lead graf of a story said:

Since this has probably already been covered by the Washington Post, we'll just talk about some random stuff in this space.

This sort of thing - along with the goodly amount of blogdropping going on - make me suspect that this is not so much about the conference as it is about exclusivity - i.e. I'm here, you're not. Which ties in interestingly to the brouhaha surrounding Shelley's astute call of the same on Clay Shirky's Social Software Summit. Shelley annoys all the right people in my book, which always happens when someone speaks truth to power.


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» Snappy from Pudding Time!
I really, really like Snappy the Clam. [Read More]

» Can you blog me? from Snappy the Clam
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» More on Diversity, Irony, and a Clam from Burningbird
Yes, I said I'm not becoming a fem-blogger, but I didn't say I wasn't going to continue certain discussions. In particular, there was some feedback related, directly or indirectly, to Dripping with Irony that I wanted to hook to. JBM at Snappy the Clan... [Read More]


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Uh, how is Supernova exclusive if anybody can pay their money and show up? And yeah, if the Times did decide to focus on elements of a story that weren't already overdone by other media, that'd be *great*.

Whining is unbecoming. Envy, even less becoming.

My mistake then - I was under the impression that Supernova was another invite-only conference. Guess I was wrong.

And there's a difference between focusing on another aspect of a story and just abdicating reporting. The Times does do that sort of focus in news analyses. Which is often complementary to hard news stories elsewhere in the paper.

You thought that was whining? I guess I gotta work on tone.

Registration costs about $2000. Not exclusive at all.

We love snappy the clam, and we love peanut butter jelly time, and NO we're not high. They should unite with the United STates of whatever guy. The guy with the weird glasses. And the sock video. And sing a song together. IT would be the ultimate!!! We love snappy the clam and we love the banana and we love the coyote and we love the donkey!!! and we hate the bunny!!!!! he's evil!! he should die!!! its true. it is!!

from the happy bunny cult.