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Some MT inclusion questions

I guess this is actually a question for the very fine MT support forums, but I have been trying to figure out how to do some conditional inclusions. For example, with the "Related Stories" boxes that adorn these posts. Sometimes there are no Related Stories (which makes me think I am either a very orignal thinker or am so trivially lame; you make the call) I found a terrific plugin from Brad Choate which basically lets you test whether an MT tag, such as MTGoogleSearchResult, is empty. But - and this is a big but - how the hell do I pull in the surrounding markup i.e. the box? Very frustrating and I guess I need to do some reading and thinking beforehand. The same thing would of course apply to the "Posted in" line when there are no categories. This may seem trivial but it's the sort of fit and finish detail that drives me crazy when it's not attended to.